
Showing posts from January, 2014

"Your Child Should not be Your First Black Friend": NPR, Transracial Adoption & the Powerful Voice of Chad Goller-Sojourner

It has been two weeks since NPR's The Sunday Show aired  a segment on transracial adoption  that caused outrage within the adoption community.  To give a brief re-cap,  Angela Tucker , an African American transracial adult adoptee who is the subject of the documentary " Closure ," an adoption blogger, and a former adoption professional was interviewed for the segment only to be told that her interview would not be used.  Instead, NPR chose an interview with a white adoptive parent of three young transracially adopted children. As the initial point of contact between NPR and Angela, I reached out to the producer once I learned that Angela's interview would not be aired, and with Angela's permission, I urged them to reconsider.  After further correspondence with NPR, I learned that they chose the adoptive parent interview because they were interested in her faith background, her geographical location, and her speaking skills, confident that the history of their sh

Lost Daughters: Writing Adoption from a Place of Empowerment and Peace....Now Available!

I am proud to announce that  Lost Daughters: Writing Adoption from a Place of Empowerment and Peace  is now available in ebook format with print copies forthcoming, on This anthology, boasting nearly 30 Lost Daughters authors, was edited by Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston, Julie Stromberg, Karen Pickell, and Jennifer Anastasi. It features a collection of writings aimed to bring readers the perspectives of adopted women and highlight their strength, resiliency, and wisdom.  We thank CQT Media and Publishing and Land of Gazillion Adoptees for publishing this incredible book. The beautiful cover art of painted flowers was provided by Carlynne Hershberger. Proceeds from this anthology will be donated to a charity to be determined. "Moving beyond racial, ethnic and professional silos frequently observed in adoption, Lost Daughters brings us together to witness the courage, strength and amazement of a diverse group of women who represent the true fabric of adoptio

On NPR & Transracial Adoption: Who Gets to do the Teaching?

It would be nice if transracial adoptees were asked more often to share their own experiences of "double takes" and discrimination. — Nicole 수정 (@nicolecallahan) January 12, 2014 A few days ago, I received an email from NPR looking for Angela Tucker’s contact information for an upcoming show on The Sunday Conversation .   I was told that the purpose of the segment was to provide insight from someone "personally affected by stories that made headlines."  In this case, they explained, they wanted to interview someone affected by  the comments regarding Mitt Romney's transracially adopted grandchild made on the Melissa Harris-Perry Show .  Angela is a black transracially adopted woman who is the subject of the powerful documentary "Closure," an adoption blogger, and a former adoption professional.  Angela is a friend and a fellow author at  Lost Daughters , and the producer anticipated that I could get into contact with her quickly.   Fumbling on my ph