Adoption Synonymy: the Erasure of Adult Adoptees From Adoption
I will never forget the day my doctor said these words to me, "I didn't realize adult adoptees existed." I had a meeting in Harrisburg about Adoptee Rights, and was suffering from one heck of a sinus infection. After two weeks of toughing it out, I was still as oppressed by my illness as ever. Begrudgingly, I visited my doctor to beg him for some miracle cure so that I would not be a ball of sniffles and yuck for my meeting with legislators. When I explained to him my need for the quick visit, he responded with a puzzled look, "I didn't realize that adult adopteees existed." He paused. "I mean, obviously, they exist. I've done many health exams and those sort of things for adoption applications for adoptive parents--obviously there are adoptees. Obviously adoptees don't just disappear when they become adults. I guess it never occurred to me that adoption would still be relevant to adults." My reaction to his statement was one ...