"Would You Rather Have Grown Up in an Orphanage?"
When we challenge adoption practices and policies, sometimes people become confused about why we do so. Adoption provides homes for kids, why change it? People have gone so far to assert that those who want to change adoption must not want needy children to have homes.. People must assume that there are adoptees who make these opinions consumed by their own pain, not considering the needs of children, and haven't done their homework. In reality, many of us have been those children . I spent the first 4.5 months of my life in a foster home. I do not know the names of my foster parents or where I lived. I don't have any pictures or any real information about my life. Since my state reformed its access laws 14 years after my birth, I now have my uncensored adoption file. I know that I lived under a false alias and received medical care as an infant at a doctor's office where the agency presented my identity to my health care providers as being this false alias.